





集中区域, 联合浓度


我们是早期采用者! New College’s 环境研究 Program was founded in 1972 – the first of its type in the United States. Come today and learn new skills from professors across disciplines to help create a better balance between human activity and environmental sustainability.

Investigate topics as diverse as land and marine use policies, 水和土壤质量, ethical approaches to environmental management, the effects of sea level rise on heritage sites, 入侵物种的作用, 系统建模, 人的认知与说服, 绿色经济, and the use of data analysis to delve deeply into environmental awareness. Be part of the environment on our bayfront campus where our faculty, 学生, and staff recognize that the landscape of 网赌平台网站 has a history.

“New College 学生 are passionate and civic minded. They tend to be solution-focused. My classes are designed to be rigorous, to give them the skills to be really impactful. 他们接受了挑战.”

Associate Professor of Biology and 环境研究


The space that we currently occupy, 萨拉索塔, was acquired through the territorial dispossession of Native Nations, including the Seminole and Miccosukee, who have historical claims to this land. We acknowledge that our occupation of this land has come at the expense of their displacement. Indigenous people are contemporary people who live throughout the state of Florida on reservations and in cities, 我们承认他们, 以及他们的祖先, 是我们的主人吗?.

As a public and intellectually rigorous institution, it is our duty to think critically about what our occupation of this land means. We must challenge ourselves to consider our relationship to the land and to ethically engage with the histories and cultures of Indigenous peoples who have called this land home. This is not the end of the conversation, but the beginning of a long and difficult process of mapping a more equitable future.



  • Climate Change: Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • 气候小说
  • Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge
  • 珊瑚礁生态学
  • Ecopoetics
  • 环境伦理学
  • 佛罗里达自然历史
  • Food, Animals, and the Environment
  • Food, Fuel, Fiber and Finance: A History of Global Capitalism
  • Introduction to 环境研究
  • Introduction to Global Information Systems (GIS)
  • 犹太教与生态学
  • 音乐与环境
  • 社会运动
  • 可持续发展
  • The Retreat of the Elephant: Environmental History in East Asian Art and Archaeology
  • The Well-Being of Humans and Other Animals
  • 热带疾病流行病学
  • 城市社会学
学生们 Radiant Communities: Documentary Film course and Independent Study Project (ISP) perform choreography developed through study of ecological communities, and learn the basics of collaborative filmmaking within the context of experimental film and environmental studies. This ISP culminated in a film which was shot on location on Tidy Island, an approximately 160-acre property in Manatee County deeded to New College 基金会 in 1984 for the study of marine and plant life.


  • 制图学
  • 气候正义
  • 社区/城市规划
  • 环境保护科学
  • 公司可持续发展
  • 生态农业
  • 环境生物学家
  • 环境保护
  • 环境法律
  • 食品不安全
  • 水文
  • 自然资源管理
  • 职业健康与安全
  • 公园管理
  • Zoologist and Wildlife Biologist


  • Multi-Criteria Suitability Analysis of Green Infrastructure Targeted at Groundwater Recharge and Flood Mitigation in 萨拉索塔, FL
  • Managing Fisheries: a Case Study of Conceptual Frameworks for Policy Design
  • Sea Level Rise in Southwest Florida: An Economic Benefit-Cost Analysis of Policy Alternatives
  • Herbicide Resistant Crops: Can Genetic Engineering Contribute to Sustainable Agriculture?
  • Longleaf Pine: Florida’s Sunflower Forest
  • “Altering the Earth to Fit Vera,” Analyzing Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management
  • Pollination as an Economic Marketplace

出国留学 and Domestic 交流项目

There are many opportunities for 环境研究 学生 to gain experience across the US and internationally, such as New College’s membership in the EcoLeague domestic exchange program.








Dr. 大卫的大脑




Associate Professor of Anthropology

Dr. 尼古拉斯·德龙

Associate Professor of Philosophy and 环境研究

Erika Díaz Almeyda

Assistant Professor of Biology and 环境研究


Professor of Psychology/ Peg Scripps Buzzelli Chair

Director 环境研究 Program

Dr. 艾米丽·霍夫曼


Associate Professor of Biology and 环境研究



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